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mondakini devi dasi

  • 1968: starts studying Ethnology: Sorbonne University with Jyotirmayi.

  • 1969: meeting devotees in Paris with Jyotirmayi, Ilavati.

  • 1969 December 14: arrival in Bury Place Temple in London. Meeting Srila Prabhupada on the installation of Sri Sri Radha Londonisvara.

  • 1970 January: 1st initiation. Harinam 3 times/day.

  • 1970 April: 2nd initiation- Trained by Yamuna in Deity worship.

  • 1971: Srila Prabhupada asked me to go to Russia and marry Ananta Shanti.

  • 1971 - 1977: service in Russia. Visiting the country 2 or 3 times a year to get residential permit. Preaching with Ananta Shanti.

  • When not in Russia, sent to different temples for book distribution, Deity worship, cooking etc. Switzerland, UK, Germany, France, Iran... No results in getting residential visa, Srila Prabhupada told me to stop going there and serve in Europe. “Russia is unsure, Europe is sure”. It is before persecution. Arranging preaching programmes in yoga centers, high schools, universities. France and Switzerland.


  • 1978 - 1985: marrying a French preacher Madhavendra Puri. Preaching in France. Then Los Angeles: service with Baradraja in Fate. Then to UK with Jaya Tirtha, Madhavendra works on dioramas in London Soho Temple: the Changing Bodies and a preaching museum in Caitanya College. I cook, serve the Deities. Care of the British congregation with the FOLK programme: Friends of Lord Krishna. visiting people, teaching them the basic of Krishna Consciousness, how to practice at home etc. Publication of the FOLk magazine.

  • 1985 - 1987: South Africa to build the Temple of Understanding in Durban. Madhavendra designs and builds the Temple room. Taking care of the congregation. cooking. Then Mauritius because of visa problems. My daughter Gaurangi is born.

  • 1987: Paris: Madhavendra works as sculptor. I take care of our daughter.

  • 1990: take up studying again to work to maintain family.

  • 1991 - 2014: work: documentalist in a French insurance company.

  • 2011: Invitation Russian devotees for Srila Prabhupada’s 40th Anniversary of coming to Moscow. I go with Shyamasundara. Beautiful festival. The love story with the Russian devotees is revived.

  • 2014: Retirement. Accepting invitations from different temples all over the world to share KC with the young generation and the ladies, mainly in Russia.

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