nrsimhananda dasa

Joined in Chicago in Spring of 1971. Initiated in LA in 1972 where he remained.
Involved in various services - pot washing, Harinam, book distribution, cookie distribution, candle distribution, Magic Lotus caterer, Conceived and spearheaded ISKCON Television, Temple President Topanga Pyramid House 1979-1993.
Producer of the Complete Srila Prabhupada DVD Library in 20 languages.
Producer, Director New Hare Krishna World, Disciple of My Disciple, Acarya series, puppet series, Kurma series, Ramayan, Pilgrimage to Ahobilam, etc.
Co-Director with Janardradhi of Uplifting Cinema Pvt. Ltd. (India) developing commercial KC feature films.
Coordinator of Speakers at the yearly Prabhupada Festival in Los Angeles.
Father of Ishan, Rupa, and Rama; husband of Nitya Manjari Devi Dasi.